BJTS 1-23-23

1) Alex Smith, Director of communications, education, and engagement with PATH. Partners Against Trafficking Humans. January is National Human, Trafficking Awareness Month. The primary focus at PATH is to provide Christ-centered therapy and treatment for survivors of sex trafficking and sexual abuse. Whether the need is for a safe place to stay, parenting classes or intensive therapy to battle PTSD, the PATH Case Managers and Therapeutic Treatment Team is here to help. For more information call 501-301-HELP(4357)or Visit

2)Dana Dossett,  Director of Community Programs for the City of Little Rock to talk about a planning an informational seminar on Thursday, January 26 on how to do business with the City of Little Rock. Specifically, They want to show community leaders how they can apply for up to $25,000 to get their innovative community ideas funded by the City of Little Rock’s Department of Community Programs. For more information visit the City’s website or call 501-399-3420.

3)Matt Dempsey, Catholic High School Assistant Principal to talk about this Sunday’s open house. Catholic High School for Boys will be hosting its annual open house this Sunday, from 12:30-2:30 p.m. at Catholic High which is located at 6300 Father Tribou Street in Little Rock. It’s an opportunity for students and families to meet the school’s teachers and coaches in person; learn more about academics and extracurriculars; and learn about Catholic High’s mission to transform their sons into good leaders, good fathers, and good husbands in their communities. For more info visit or call 501-664-3939